The recent buzz around the goji berry, goji juice, and the medicinal health properties the berry possesses has created big demand for the berry in the global market place. More people are discovering that the goji berry plant is able to adapt very well to different climates making it possible to grow the berries in gardens, green houses, and even pots. Of course to get started with growing a goji plant at home you’re going to need some quality goji berry seeds.
Finding Good Goji Berry Seeds
You shouldn’t have trouble sourcing goji berry seeds from a market, how ever these is a question as to whether the goji berry seeds you find are quality or not. Lots of people have started to purchase their seeds on the Internet, or from those who already have a goji berry plant at home. After you have the goji seeds there are still a number of steps you need to follow to prepare your seeds for planting.
The first step is to prepare soil for planting. While the goji berry seed is known to germinate in almost any type of soil for the best results possible it’s ideal to prepare your soil with an organic fertilizer first. To ensure you grow good health goji plants avoid using any chemical based products, stick to organic materials and soil. For the best organic manure consider seaweed, and dock or cow manure.
Planting Goji Berry Seeds
Ideally you should soak your goji berry seeds for three or four hours prior to planting. This will get the seed ready for germination and get the seedpod out. Once you have the seedpod out you should scrape it off on to some paper towel. To help with the germination process you need to take extra care when planting the seedlings. Ensure that each pod has it’s own cup in a germination tray. Push the seed approximately 1/2″ in and the cover with a small amount of soil, add a small amount of water and prepare for the waiting game.
Keeping the area dark is important, and withing a temperature close to 75 degrees. It should take the goji berry seeds approximately 4 to 6 weeks to germinate with this method. Wait until you see the seedling with two small leaves, then you’re ready for transplanting into a larger pot. A one gallon pot minimum should be used, and don’t forget to fill the pot with good draining soil. A poor draining soil with drown the seedling, rendering it useless.